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Contact Us

Bank of Camilla

50 E. Broad St.
PO Box 111
Camilla, GA 31730

Phone: 229-336-5225
Fax: 229-336-0479

Normal Operating Hours

9AM - 4PM Monday - Thursday
9AM - 5PM Friday

8:30AM - 4PM Monday - Thursday
8:30AM - 5PM Friday

Please note when using email to contact us: For your security, do not include account numbers, social security numbers or any specific financial information. If you would prefer, you can reach us by phone, fax or mail.


Debit Cards

Lost or Stolen            800-754-4128                        

Fraud                         855-961-1602

To activate PIN          833-998-4709

Credit Cards

Lost or Stolen             866-604-0381